Project Details
Augmentation of Sugnu Water Supply Scheme
1 Energisation (Detail of energisation) 2 Procurement of pumpsets 3 C/o Land Development and Approach Road (Abstract of Cost) 4 C/o Land Development and Approach Road (Details of Measurement ) 5 Ground Levelling for T/units (Abstract of Cost) 6 Ground Levelling for T/units (Details of Measurement ) 7 Demolition and reconstruction of existing SSF (Abstract of Cost) 8 Demolition and reconstruction of existing(Details of Measurement ) 9 P/L Filter Media (Abstract of Cost) 10 P/L Filter Media (Details of Measurement ) 11 C/o Zonal Reservoir at Zouveng (Abstract of Cost) 12 C/o Zonal Reservoir at Zouveng(Details of Measurement ) 13 C/o Zonal Reservoir at Chajing Khunou (Abstract of Cost) 14 C/o Zonal Reservoir at Chajing Khunou (Details of Measurement ) 15 C/o Overhead Reservoir (Abstract of Cost) 16 C/o Overhead Reservoir (Details of Measurement ) 17 P/L of Distribution pipeline (Abstract of Cost) 18 P/L of Distribution pipeline (Details of Measurement ) 19 Pipe Rate Analysis 20 Cost of pipe (Abstract of Cost) 21 Cost of pipe (Details of Measurement ) 22 C/o brick compoud fencing at Zouveng ZR Site (Abstract of Cost) 23 C/o brick compoud fencing at Zouveng ZR Site (Details of Measurement ) 24 C/o angle iron fencing at Chajing Khunou ZR Site (Abstract of Cost) 25 C/o angle iron fencing at Chajing Khunou ZR Site (Details of Measurement ) 26 C/o Pump House (Abstract of Cost) 27 C/o Pump House (Details of Measurement ) 28 C/o Quarter cum Godown (Abstract of Cost) 29 C/o Quarter cum Godown (Details of Measurement ) 30 Energisation (Abstract of Cost)