Projects List
Showing 1-20 of 10,039 items.
#CodeNameDepartmentDistrictApproved Project Cost (in Lakhs)Fund Utilized so far(in Lakhs)Source of FundingCreate DateFinancial YearProject Status
1IWD/Lamsang Bazar/001Improvement of road from Lamsang Bazar to Mayanglangjing(left out portion chainage 2.80km to 4.40km).PWDImphal-West80.000.00State Plan11/03/20252024-2025Project Status
2TPL/Rd with retaining wall at Kerngeikhu/310Impvt of road with Construction of R/wall at Kerngeikhu at S. VillagePWDSenapati100.000.00State Plan11/03/20252024-2025Project Status
3SS/D-2/LeimapokpamPHS 2ACR-BSPStrengthening of Government Secondary and Higher Secondary under Samagra Shiksha (Secondary) 2023-24 at Leimapokpam Public High School, Bishnupur , MaEducation (S)Bishnupur35.820.00Others10/03/20252023-2024Project Status
4KMJ/Huimin Thana JN to Pilong/309impvt of road from Huimin Thana JN to Pilong, Kamjong District 8km SH RCC ring culvert 1.5m span slab culvertPWDKamjong185.000.00State Plan10/03/20252023-2024Project Status
5KMJ/Sampui Jn to Pihang via Pelkhu/308impvt of road from Sampui Jn to Pihang via Pelkhu, Kamjong Division SH EW in formation widening, kutcha drainPWDKamjong150.000.00State Plan10/03/20252024-2025Project Status
6KMJ/Huimin Thana Jn to Pilong/307impvt of road from Huimin Thana to Pilong, Kamjong District-8km SH EW in formation widening, kutcha drainPWDKamjong185.000.00State Plan10/03/20252023-2024Project Status
7KMJ/Impvt from kongkan to Huimin thana/306impvt of road from Kongkan village to Huimin ThanaPWDKamjong70.000.00State Plan10/03/20252023-2024Project Status
8KMJ/Constn of circular road at Itham/305Constn of circular road at Itham villagePWDKamjong65.000.00State Plan10/03/20252024-2025Project Status
9KMJ/Impvt from Aloyo to BP-95 (2km)/304Impvt of road from Aloyo to BP-95 (2KM)PWDKamjong80.000.00State Plan10/03/20252023-2024Project Status
10CDL/Constn of Bailey Bridge at Lamphoupas/303Construction of Bailey Bridge at Lamphou Pasna over Chakpi riverPWDChandel500.000.00NABARD10/03/20252024-2025Project Status
11RMSA/D-2/Kamjong 12 Science-KJGConstruction of 12(Twelve) Rooms for Higher Secondary(Science) upgradation during 2021-22 at Kamjong High School, Kamjong, Manipur.Education (S)Kamjong184.5568.07Others10/03/20252021-2022Project Status
12CDL/Constn of Bailey Bridge at Khuringmul/302Construction of Bailey Bridge over Maha river at KhuringmulPWDChandel500.000.00NABARD10/03/20252024-2025Project Status
13RMSA/D-2/KasomKhullenHS 12 Science-KJGConstruction of 12(Twelve) Rooms for Higher Secondary(Science) upgradation during 2021-22 at Kasom khullen High School, Kamjong, Manipur.Education (S)Kamjong184.5568.07Others08/03/20252021-2022Project Status
14SS/D-2/SingaBishnuUPS 3ACR-TBLConstruction of Dilapidated Building Upper Primary School under Samagra Shiksha (Elementary), Manipur during 2022-23 at Singa Bishnunaha Upper PrimaryEducation (S)Thoubal61.620.00Others06/03/20252022-2023Project Status
15SS/D-2/PherzawlHS BounGate-PZLConstruction of Boundary Wall with Gate (Rejuvenation Project) under Samagra Shiksha Manipur,2022-23 at Pherzawl High School, Pherzawl, Manipur.Education (S)Pherzawl44.640.00Others05/03/20252022-2023Project Status
16KPI/Kangpokpi-Tamei (IT road)chainage 43/301Impvt of Kangpokpi-Tamei (IT road) from chainage 43.00 km to 53.00 kmPWDKangpokpi200.000.00State Plan05/03/20252024-2025Project Status
17KPI/Kangpokpi-Tamei (IT road)chainage 30/300Impvt of Kangpokpi-Tamei (IT road) from chainage 30.00 km to 42.00 kmPWDKangpokpi200.000.00State Plan05/03/20252024-2025Project Status
18SPT/constructn of Guest house at Koziire/299Construction of Guest House at KoziirePWDKangpokpi300.0086.00State Plan04/03/20252023-2024Project Status
19KPI/Kangpokpi-Tamei (IT road)chainage 22/298Impvt of Kangpokpi-Tamei (IT road) from chainage 22.00 km to 29.00 kmPWDKangpokpi100.000.00State Plan04/03/20252023-2024Project Status
20IED/Sawombung Lamkhai/3Widening of road from Sawombung Lamkhai to Wairi(1Km)PWDImphal-East70.000.00State Plan04/03/20252023-2024Project Status