161 | IED/Ideal College-Akampat/589 | Improvement of road at Ideal College, Akampat with drainage system | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | completed | 03/09/2024 |
162 | IED/Internal road-Puthiba-Thoidingjam/899 | Impvt. of internal road from Puthiba leikai to Thoidingjam leikai | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | completed | 06/08/2024 |
163 | SE-I/DAR/22-23/IW-R1.117 Laikhulembi | Constn of drain at Laikhulembi | PWD | Imphal-West | --- | completed | |
164 | SE-I/DAR/23-24/IE-R1.47 Urup Naokal | Improvement of road at Urup Naokal, Salanpham Road | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | In progress | 12/08/2024 |
165 | SE-I/IW/DRP/2023-24/R1/364-45 Sayang Rd | I/o road at Kwakeithel Thiyam Leikai,Mayaikoibi, Thingom Leikai,Khwainingthou Leirak and Sayang Internal road. | PWD | Imphal-West | --- | Completed | 16/08/2024 |
166 | SE-I/DAR/22-23/IE-R1.21 Nagaram Block E F | Impvt of Nagaram Block E & F | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | work completed | |
167 | IED/Brahmacharimayum-Sanasam/536 | Improvement of road at Brahmacharimayum leirak, Sanasam leirak and Chanam leirak with drainage system | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | Completed | |
168 | SE-I/IW-DRP/2022-23/R102-1 Naga M to Lamph | Improvement of road from Nagamapal to Lamphelpat road via Kangjabi and Khomdram Selungba Leikai | PWD | Imphal-West | --- | 100% | 20/05/2024 |
169 | IED/Keibi Kumuda Taretkhul/878 | Improvement of Keibi Kumuda Taretkhul IVR Ring road | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | In progress | 27/08/2024 |
170 | IED/Road-drainUchekon Nongchup-Nongpok GP/645 | Impvt. of road including constn. of drainage system in and around Uchekon Nongchup and Nongpok GP | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | Completed | 06/11/2024 |
171 | IED/Keibi Ring Road/530 | Impvt. of Keibi ring road -2 Km | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | On going | |
172 | IWD/Approach road-IBSD/271 | Maintenance of approach road to Institute of Bioresearch and Sustainable Development (ISBD) at Takyelpat in connection with visit of Vice President of | PWD | Imphal-West | --- | Completed | |
173 | IWD/In & around Patsoi 1/160 | Impvt. of road in and around Patsoi Part-I | PWD | Imphal-West | --- | Completed | |
174 | SE-I/DAR/22-2/IE-R1.2Chingkhu ring road | Impvt. of Chingkhu ring road and Khundrakpam Waikhom Leirak ring road. | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | completed | 19/08/2024 |
175 | SE-I/IW/DRP/2023-24/R1/132-22 Konthoujam Lamk | Improvement of IVR from Awang Khunou Mamang Leikai to Kiyam Maning Leikai via Salam | PWD | Imphal-West | --- | In Progress | 19/08/2024 |
176 | IED/Iranpham-Ukhrul(eastern side-Kongba)/898 | Impvt. of road connecting Iranpham to Ukhrul road (eastern side of Kongba river) | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | completed | |
177 | SE-1/DAR/23-24/BD-Rw.513 5 Bridges Kongba Riv | Protection and Restoration of 5 Nos Bridges over Kongba River | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | Completed | 26/09/2024 |
178 | IED/Kangla Inner Moat/210 | M/o internal approach rod from Museum via IRB office upto Old British...................................... western side of Kangla Inner Moat | PWD | Imphal-West | --- | Completed | 06/11/2024 |
179 | SE-I/DAR/23-24/IE-R1.i1.4 Mangjin Mamang | Impt of Mangjin Mamang, Takhelchangbam leirak, Ward No. 18, Yaiskul A/C | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | Completed | 30/08/2024 |
180 | SE-I/DAR/23-24/IE-R1.15Keikol IVR | Impvt of road on Keikol IVR. | PWD | Imphal-East | --- | Completed | 20/08/2024 |